Crystals are pretty rocks right? They come in all dissimilar colours- pinks, blues, greens; and they make for great paperweights, but what can that dusty hunk of rock you once bought on a whim from a store that smelt a small too strongly of incense do for you? Well for one, you can use a crystal for healing.
Crystals, like Aladdin's lamp are more than what they seem. Their incommunicable aspects have been carved in stone by old Egyptians and written in parchment by the Babylonians. Even today the windows of Tiffany's and Cartier are a testament to our obsession with crystals and gemstones. Maybe the reckon we prize them has more to do with how they make us feel than we think.
Any true scientist will tell you that all crystals have an energy or fee that is not so dissimilar from the human body. So fantasize what you can do with all this free energy! Studies show that when settled in water it changes the molecular structure or the liquid, it emits vibrations and new technology can even take photos of a crystals energy field. So instead of using crystals to transduce and forward energy in computers, Tv's, and watches as they are used today- you can use them to heal, attune, calm and create.
When the energy body, aura or chakras of you or I, is disturbed or out of balance it has a direct consequent on our bodily body- muscle aches, acne, arthritis- you name it! A crystals personel properties can be used to work in harmony with the human body to transmute or even amplify unavoidable aspects in your energy body using 3 simple steps:
1. Choosing your crystal
Crystals are not all the same and when picking one for a definite purpose it helps to be informed. Like diamonds, cut, colour, clarity and size all make a difference. But keep in mind, a raw and cloudy crystal has as much power as a polished one, just in dissimilar ways. Do a small reading and find what you are looking for. If you feel a small overwhelmed, don't forget the power of intuition!!
2. Cleansing and charging your crystal
There are a amount of ways to cleanse your crystal so that it is cleared of any former vibrations or negative charges and it's up to you to decree which one you feel is best. My favourite method is to place the crystal in a bowl of water and leave it surface during a waxing moon night. Someone else beloved way is to place it in a heap of amethyst or clear quartz crystals for 12 hours. Remember that your crystal is permanently spellbinding surface energy so it requires frequent cleansing for optimal use.
3. Getting to know your crystal
Your crystal can do a lot for you but you need to find out its compel and why this stone that was formed in the earth miles from your doorstep has come into your life. Sure, you went out and bought it- but it has a unavoidable vibration and energy that is one of a kind, just like you. Get to know its energy flow and your healing will work much better.
Confidence: Carry or meditate with Green jasper. This stone stimulates the blood circulation and the heart chakra giving compel and courage.
Rejuvenation: Red garnet is a noteworthy energizing stone. Place a garnet in a glass of water for a small and then drink to give you a kick start to your day!
Relaxation: A great method to perform general healing is by placing 8 amethyst crystals colse to you when sleeping. These crystals calm emotions and aid meditation and sleep. Try dissimilar layout patterns to fins what works best for you.
So dust off your crystalline paperweight and have a small fun with your crystals- put them in your water, carry them in your pocket; and Maybe the Crystal Age of Atlantis wont feel like such a myth after all.
Crystal For medical