You've heard of the revolutions in the Middle East and Wisconsin right? Well, there is a quiet technology revolution beginning in Chiropractic, which allows soothing, potent medicine of persisting pain with no twisting, popping, or cracking of joints. Plus, the inpatient can now actually see documented advance and an end to treatment. That deserves a Wow!
If you are an athlete, especially those playing an asymmetric sport like baseball, tennis, table tennis, golf, or racquetball this is big news. This is also big news obviously for non-athletes with persisting pain, coaches, and personal injury lawyers!
Piezoelectric Pressure Sensor
Several of my clients told me that I must go see the new pain medicine machines at Dr. Mel Bahri's Westwood Clinic ( in Los Angeles. His credit among my clients was swelling (he he).
Once there, I tested two new technologies (ProAdjuster and Myopulse) that can help eliminate the infamous stigma that has kept new patients away from Chiropractic medicine for many years. The two main complaints are the "cracking" of joints and the indeterminate "end of treatment".
Over several sessions I tested the ProAdjuster (by Pulstar) and the Myopulse (by industrialized Biomedical Technologies). Both machines have been cleared by the Fda for medicine of persisting pain conditions. This description will impart the ProAdjuster treatment.
With this technology, the inpatient sits favorably in a massage chair in an upright position without the need to turn the head or neck or even remove their shirt. The ProAdjuster applicator, called a "Fras", contains a sensor (a piezoelectric device), which first sends a light tapping (percussion), into the spine at each backbone segment or vertebrae as a test force.
This force is reflected back from the body, like sonar from a submarine in water, to tell the computer about the position of the bone and stiffness of around muscle. The software takes the results of each percussion test from each vertebrae in the spine and promptly creates a perfect and detailed picture of the spine on a large monitor.
That picture reveals the whole spine, its curves (or lack of curves) which gives the doctor and computer definite locations for treatment--the pre medicine data. The computer schedule then highlights the five most displaced vertebrae and tells the doctor, with a pleasant female voice, where to place the soft fingers of the Fras to administer the medicine phase for each bone.
The body's natural defenses cause muscles around displaced vertebrae to spasm or rigidly prevent greater misaligned bone from moving added from its proper position. Metered and definite gentle percussion is now administered by the computer straight through the Fras in a series of oscillating taps. These taps coax the vertebra into proper position which also relaxes the around muscles, improving range of motion, and relieving pressure on the adjacent nerves.
The medicine phase actually feels Great. For Chiropractors and patients alike, believe it, this is a revolution!
Post medicine re-analysis by the Fras allows objective determination of changes in spinal position, which can be compared to other sessions and the pre medicine testing down the spine. The inpatient can actually see and understand the medicine with the doctor standing next to them. That, by itself, is a critical bodily medicine conception that is hard to understate.
The results are instant and Easy for a inpatient to read. No delays, no specialist interpretations, no x-rays, no huge Ct Scanners, scary Mri machines, or Sonogram Studies, etc. The software displays the division of correction on the screen for both inpatient and doctor to objectively correlate thorough advance allowing Both to plan added treatments if needed. The patient, doctor, and computer as a promptly well informed medical team. What a concept!
Incredibly, it actually feels great the whole time. If the days of flinching and tensing up for Chiropractic cracks and pops are numbered, I can adjust to that!
Back Pain Relief: A Revolution in Chiropractic Care - Part 1