Inkjet printers are a main staple in any home office. You've seen them everywhere. Just about everyone with a home computer has one. recent advances in technology has made inkjet printers affordable to roughly everyone. They are easy to use and most even come bundled with fabulous image editing software. There is an inkjet printer for just about every allocation and every scheme type. But, do you know how they work?
Bubblejet Printers
The bubblejet printer is the most tasteless type of inkjet printer on the market. Bubblejet printers work on the basis of ink spraying from nozzles in the ink cartridge onto paper as the cartridge passes over the paper. This is acheived using a thermal resistor which creates heat that causes a bubble to form in the ink. The bubble pushes the ink down and out of the nozzle and onto the paper. The bubble bursts, creating a vacuum, which causes more ink to be drawn into the cartridge and pushed out onto the paper.
Piezoelectric Printers
Piezoelectric printers, patented by Epson, uses piezo crystals in the ink cartridge. The crystals vibrate when an galvanic current is passed straight through it causing the ink in the cartridge to be sprayed onto the paper straight through the nozzle. As the crystal vibrates it causes more ink to be pulled into the cartridge as the ink is being put on the paper.
All Inkjet Printers
Both types of printers, bubblejet and piezoelectric, print dots horizontally, in rows, over the page. The print head drops the correct colour ink onto the page as it rolls over it from left to right and back again. Most injet printers today print a minimum of 300 dots per inch of ink. Some more developed models, such as photo capability printers, print 1200 (or more) dots per inch of ink on the paper. The higher the number of dots per inch, the more clear and crisp your image will be printed.
Inkjet Printer Cartridges
There are several dissimilar types of inkjet printers on the store today. These printers can use particular or multiple ink cartridges to print your documents. A particular ink cartridge will consist of both black and coloured ink in the cartridge. A printer that uses two ink cartridges will have a particular black cartridge and a particular colour cartridge. Some printers even come with cartridges for each colour that it prints (up to six dissimilar cartridges!)
Now, when you print a document from your home office or print a photo of your loved ones, you can visualise how the printer is printing the image onto the paper. When you hear the whir and buzz of the printers print head sliding over the paper or hear the paper being pulled straight through the paper tray, you have an idea of what goes on behind your printers accomplished lid.
Just How Does an Inkjet Printer Work?